Our Guiding Principles
Our decisions and actions reflect that Jesus is at the centre of all we do and who we are.
God came to the world in human form to bring new teaching, and pay the price for the sins of the world by his death. He gave us the gift of eternal life through his death and Resurrection. When we act on behalf of St Mark’s, we will remember that it is Christ’s church, not ours. We will act in a way that is striving to be the hands and feet of Jesus and encourages all to confess that Jesus is Lord and Saviour for all the world.
We prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that we hear and respond to God’s will for our decisions and actions.
In making decisions and planning action we will be led by the Holy Spirit. We will use God’s word as our guide for all we do and plan, continually seeking His direction through prayer and study.
Our decisions and actions encourage and equip people to become followers of Jesus and grow in their Christian faith.
Christ commands His disciples in Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation” [NIV]. Our decisions and actions will encourage the Gospel to be heard by all and encourage individuals to grow closer to Christ and equip them to spread the Gospel.
Our decisions and actions are based on the inclusiveness shown by Jesus Christ.
During His work on earth Christ showed no discrimination to anyone no matter their race, social standing, gender, beliefs or faith. His unconditional love for all people encapsulates his grace and mercy we receive as a result of the suffering and death he bore for us on the cross. We will strive to reflect this in all our actions and decisions.
We will be mindful our congregation consists of people of all ages, gifts and maturity in their faith. We will endeavour to support, encourage and uplift everyone through our actions and decisions, to help each feel a part of St Mark’s family.
Our decisions and actions will be a positive witness to the Gospel.
Jesus calls us to be a witness to others. Therefore our decisions and actions are a public display of faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.