Together Sharing Christ’s Love
Welcome to:
Redeemer, Macalister
St Mark’s, Dalby
Liturgical Colour: Green
The Sundays after Pentecost (known as the "non-festival" season of the church year) are the Sundays in which we concentrate on the growth of the church.
They begin with Trinity Sunday, and ends with "Christ the King" Sunday, where we focus on the end times, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus.
The Gospel lessons for this season concentrate on the teaching and ministry of Jesus. The Old Testament and Epistle lessons have a semi-continuous narrative, with the Revised Common Lectionary (which we customarily use) giving two options for the Old Testament lessons, either the stories of the Patriarchs through Genesis and Exodus, or the Prophets.
The liturgical colour for the Sundays after Pentecost (which comprises roughly half of the church year) is green, as this symbolises new life and growth.
Christ Centred
Spirit Guided
Encouraging Discipleship
Witnessing to the Gospel
This week at Redeemer, Macalister (Yr A):
Readings – Exodus 12:1-14; Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20;
Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – NO Worship service;
This week at St Mark’s, Dalby (Yr A):
Readings – Exodus 12:1-14; Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20;
Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby – Worship service @ 10.00am;
Bible Reader – Steinhardt family;
Prayer of Church – Steinhardt family;
Hymns (Dalby) – Hosanna; Agnus Dei; Amazing love; Offering; 853; Hear our praises;
Meetings this week:
Sun 10th Sept – SWQLP service @ 10.00am followed by shared luncheon
Sun 10th Sept – SWQLP Budget & Elections meeting @ 12.30pm
Mon 11th Sept – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm
Tues 12th Sept – Men’s Talk on hall deck @ 10.00am
Tues 12th Sept – St Mark’s Admin meeting @ 7.30pm
Wed 13th Sept – DD Zone Ministers meet @ St Mark’s @ 9.00am
Every Saturday - Prayer group @ 7.00am
Sun 17th Sept – Roma service with Ken von Pein @ 9.30am
Add your meeting or event at St Mark's church office
On The Noticeboard:
Ø 2023 Committee Members
Ø 2023 Church Rosters
Ø Girls Brigade
Ø Stamps for Mission
Ø TEAM & Admin minutes
PLEASE NOTE: Church Office open only Tues 12th and Fri 15th Sept this week! !
Operation Christmas Child Shoebox:
Boxes are available from the church office to collect and fill, please include the $12.50/box for postage. Individual items can be left in the plastic box under the table in the narthex. Monetary donations are most welcome. Boxes can be left at the church office no later than the 1st October.

Dalby Churches Together:
Escape to the Country – St John’s Anglican church – Wednesday 27th September. RSVP: 20th Sept.
LCANZ Local Mission Annual Appeal:
! ! Great News ! ! – Local Mission appeal envelopes have arrived. Your donation supports young adults like Joel Grieger, whom God is calling to serve as pastors and other vocations in the LCANZ. As well as Elsa Matthias (young adult ambassador with Lutheran World Federation, Member of LCANZ Committee for International Mission) discover a whole world of opportunities to serve in God’s kingdom. Envelopes available from the table in the narthex.
Garden Day:
Open garden day @ 101 Wellcamp/Westbrook Rd, Wellcamp (Shirley Mundt) on Saturday 7th October, 2023. In aid of St Paul’s Lutheran Church, Oakey. More info contact Gloria on 0428 432 385.
Maclagan Lutheran Women’s Flower Show:
Maclagan Lutheran Women’s Fellowship invite you to their annual flower show – 10th October 2023 @ Maclagan hall @ 10.00am with morning tea. Lunch provided. Admission: $20. RSVP: 2nd Oct to Janelle Cooper – 0428 744 291 or email:
Prayer Points for the Week:
· For those in authority, such as King Charles and his representatives; Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors;
· For the Church, LCAQD; that it would receive sinners with compassion and forgiveness
· For the pastors Bishop Paul Smith, District Bishop Mark Vainikka; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors;
· For those who have strayed from faith in Christ, that they would return
· For the enemies of the church, that they would receive God's mercy
· For those who live with anger and bitterness, that God would give them peace
· For our confirmees: Kristian Becker, Jack Conway, Ryan Elder, Luke Elder, Heidi Jacobs, Elijah Kavney, Jessica Poulsen, Isabella Pukallus, Zoe Ruhle
Happy Birthday this week to:
Jason Schelberg (Tues); Zoe Ruhle (Thurs); Delma Weier (Thurs); Petrina Kucks (Sat);
Baptism Anniversaries:
Aidan Schelberg; James Kessler;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact St Mark's church office
Church Rosters:
Church rosters are available on the website. Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 17 September 2023:
Morning Tea: Kruger;
Bible reader: Kruger;
Prayer of Church: Kruger;
LIVE Stream: Reichelt;
Power-point: Brauer E;
Kids Zone: School Holidays;
Monthly Roster for September 2023:
Church Cleaning: Kessler;
Church Grounds: Jacobs; Paschke; von Pein D;
Stewards: Toomey;
Welcoming: Toomey
PA: Johnson;
Pastoral Assistants: Weier B; Horrigan W;
HC Servers: Bartsch B (3 & 10); Hensel E (17 & 24);
Macalister Roster for 17 September 2023:
Church Cleaning: Graham & Delma W;
Bible reader: Ross vP;
Cup of Tea (Oct): Brian & Lynelle W;
Safe Place for All
In observing Christ’s command to love one another, we’re to treat each other with respect and dignity. In honouring people, we’re also fulfilling our responsibility under the law of the land. The LCA is committed to implementing processes to ensure that the church is a safe place. If anyone feels they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in any form by anyone who holds a position of trust in the church, please contact:
Ph: 1800 644 628 (free call) Email:
Mail: PO Box 519, Marden SA 5070