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St Mark's Dalby

18th February 2024 - First Sunday in Lent

Together Sharing Christ’s Love

Welcome to:

Redeemer, Macalister

St Mark’s, Dalby


Liturgical Colour: Violet

First Sunday in Lent: What is Lent?

Many Christians have heard of Lent, but do all know what it means?  According to Merriam-Webster, Lent means "the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter as a period of penitence and fasting."

Lent begins each year on Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter Sunday.

Lent is meant to be a time of repentance.  That’s not a feeling of shame but an awareness that sin separates us from God and of what it cost Him to be reunited with us.



Christ Centred             

Spirit Guided                          

Encouraging Discipleship


Witnessing to the Gospel


 This week at Redeemer, Macalister (Yr B):

  • Readings – Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15;

  • Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship service @ 7.30am;

  • Bible Reader – Colin Muller;

  • Hymns (Mac) – 4 AT; 277; 331; 394;


This week at St Mark’s, Dalby (Yr B):

  • Readings – Genesis 9:8-17; 1 Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:9-15;

  • Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby – Worship service @ 9.30am;

  • Bible Reader – Dyer family;

  • Prayer of Church – Dyer family;

  • Hymns (Dalby) – 4 AT; 277; 331; 267 AT; 837; 842; 394;

Events/Meetings this week:

Mon 19th Feb – Coffee n Craft on hall deck @ 9.30am

Mon 19th Feb – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm

Tues 20th Feb – St Mark’s Pastoral Assistants meeting @ 7.30pm

Every Saturday - Prayer group @ 7.00am

Sun 25th Feb – Confirmation in the choir loft @ 11.00am

Add your meeting or event at St Mark's church office


On The Noticeboard:

Ø 2024 St Mark’s Committee members

Ø 2024 Rosters

Ø Stamps for Mission

Ø TEAM & Admin minutes


Dalby Churches Together:

Dalby Churches Together Dinner – Uniting Church, 71 Condamine Street, Dalby – Wednesday 28th February 2024, 6.00pm for 6.30pm start.  Guest Speaker: Pastor Phil Smith from Bells Faith Community in Caloundra.


LCAQD Lutheran Services Lenten appeal 2024:

Our focus text for the 2024 appeal is:

‘I have heard their cry … indeed, I know their sufferings.'  (Exodus 3:7)

This text reminds us of God's love and care for his people.  Lutheran Services is one way that we as LCAQD put our faith in God's loving care into action.  Our appeal this year will support the ongoing work of Hospital Chaplaincy and Mary and Martha’s domestic violence refuge.


Prayer Points for the Week:

·        For those in authority, such as King Charles and his representatives; Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and members of parliament; Premier Steven Miles and state parliamentarians; Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors;

·        For the Church, LCAQD; that the church may show Christ to all who have no faith

·        For the pastors Bishop Paul Smith, District Bishop Mark Vainikka; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors;

·        For those who have undertaken fasting or opportunities for extra service during Lent, that they may be strengthened

·        For young Christians, that they may be strengthened against the temptation of unbelief

·        For those preparing for baptism or confirmation at Easter

·        For all who believe, that they may not be put to shame

·        For those who are hungry or homeless, that they may not be tempted to despair

·        For those who are in positions of leadership, that they may resist all temptations to abuse their power

·        For our confirmees: Kristian Becker, Jack Conway, Ryan Elder, Luke Elder, Heidi Jacobs, Elijah Kavney, Jessica Poulsen, Isabella Pukallus, Zoe Ruhle;


Happy Birthday this week to:

Ken von Pein (Sun); Max Cullen (Mon); Emily Bartsch (Thurs); Matthew Kucks (Fri); Georgian Paschke (Fri); Evelyn Hensel (Fri); Chester Kucks (Fri); Mary Ann Kessler (Sat);


Baptism Anniversaries:

Valma Schelberg; Kristian Becker; Chris Kowald; Mark Noller;

If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact St Mark's church office


Church Rosters:

Church rosters are available on the website.  Check out if you are on the roster here>>


Weekly Roster for 25 February 2024:

Morning Tea:           Paschke;

Bible reader:           Kessler;

Prayer of Church:   Kessler;

PA (Sound):             Klinge;

Power-point:            Reichelt E;

LIVE Stream:           Pukallus J;

LS Audio:                Ruhle;

Kids Zone:              Every 2nd week of school term;


Monthly Roster for February 2024:

Church Cleaning:         Finch; McEwan;

Church Grounds:          Johnson; Keys;

Stewards:                     Brauer;

Welcoming:                  Steinhardt

Pastoral Assistants:     Weier B; Steinhardt V;

HC Servers:                 Hensel N (4 & 11); Renner J (18 & 25)


Macalister Roster for 25 February 2024:

Church Cleaning:    Jason & Le-Anne S;

Bible reader:           Brian W;

Cup of Tea (Mar):   Nathan & Rose H; Shane & Leanne H;


Safe Place for All

In observing Christ’s command to love one another, we’re to treat each other with respect and dignity.  In honouring people, we’re also fulfilling our responsibility under the law of the land.  The LCA is committed to implementing processes to ensure that the church is a safe place.  If anyone feels they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in any form by anyone who holds a position of trust in the church, please contact:

Ph: 1800 644 628 (free call)                             Email:

Mail: PO Box 519, Marden SA 5070

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