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St Mark's Dalby

24th Sunday after Pentecost - 7th November 2021

Greetings from St Mark's & Redeemer

Notices for this week


Christ Centred

Spirit Guided

Encouraging Discipleship


Witnessing to the Gospel

Service for Twenty Fourth Sunday after Pentecost:

  • Readings – 1 Kings 17:8-16; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44;

  • Worship serviceRedeemer, Macalister – Worship service – 7.30am;

  • Bible Reader – Sonya McVeigh;

  • Hymns (Mac) – 377; 160; 130 AT; 113;

  • Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby - Worship service – 9.30am;

  • Bible Reader – Pukallus family;

  • Prayer of Church – Pukallus family;

  • Hymns (Dalby) – Blessed be your name; Only a Holy God; Come as you are; 103 AT; Beautiful, Scandalous night; 113;

Mon 8 Nov – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm

Tues 9 Nov – St Mark’s Admin meeting @ 7.30pm

Wed 10 Nov – St Mark’s TEAM meeting @ 7.30pm

Every Saturday - Prayer group @ 7.00am

Sat 13 Nov – BaptismRichard Thomas Finch (son of Scott & Bec Finch) @ 10am

Sun 14 Nov – Confirmation in the loft

Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office

St Mark’s Budget & Elections meeting:

Mark your calendar – St Mark’s B & E is set for 21 November 2021. Convenors of Committees need to have their reports into the church office no later than 3rd November.

National Church Life Survey:

St Mark’s will be taking part in the Church Life Survey in the near future. The survey will help our church to reflect on our health and vitality. It will equip our leaders to plan for the future. The survey is anonymous. It will take around 20 minutes. You will be able to fill in a paper form or complete the survey on your smart device.

LCA Story of the Week:

The LLL shows how the vision of one person, Ben Koch, has given many people the opportunity to serve God, his church and use God-given resources to share the gospel. Since 1921, the LLL has helped build churches, schools and aged-care facilities, assisted mission work, and funded programs in support of the church.

Eva’s Place:

You are invited to join Eva’s Place Dalby for a celebration of life at our Sunset Soirée annual fundraiser from 5:30 p.m. on Saturday 13th November. Relax and soak in the delightful atmosphere of the beautiful new venue Jubri’s Hideaway (at 63 Chelldan Avenue, Dalby) while at the same time supporting the work of Eva’s Place. As well as the delicious food, quality musical entertainment and charming company, there will be stories from Eva’s Place and fun to be had. Both a silent and live auction will take place, with amazing items up for grabs. Tickets are just $60 and include a complimentary drink on arrival. Cash bar available throughout. Dress for a celebration in your best cocktail attire. Please don’t delay! Bookings close on the 3rd of November. Booking Link:

Operation Christmas Child:

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to needy children around the world and together with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

It begins with a shoe box filled with gifts and can lead to gospel opportunities, discipleship opportunities, schools, water projects, health projects and the planting of new churches.

So thank you to the people who have packed boxes and also the people who have bought or made individual items for the boxes.

Another way in which you can still support Operation Christmas Child is by donating $10 to the cost of the transportation of the boxes.

Many people who pack boxes don’t include this cost so it is a great opportunity to contribute, particularly if you haven’t packed a box.

Please put your donation in an envelope marked “Christmas Boxes” and place it in the offering bag or loose cash can be placed in the donation box. Both the bag and box are on the table in the Narthex and donations can be given over the next few Sundays.

Happy Birthday this week to:

Joshua Pukallus (Sun); Hunter James (Wed); Julie McEwan (Wed); Darren Weier (Sat);

Baptism Anniversaries:

Sonya McVeigh; Sam Boshammer; Max Boshammer; Joel Johnson; David Schreiber; Peter Schreiber;

If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's church office.

Prayers for the Week:

· For those in authority, such as Queen Elizabeth and her representatives; Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; and Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors; that it may not focus on itself as a ruling body but as a servant to the people

· For the Church, LCAQD; and the faith of the people, that it may grow

· For the pastors Bishop John Henderson, District Bishop Mark Vainikka; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors; and its outreach to people (local, national, and abroad)

· For those who only act like Christians instead of living like Christians, that the Spirit of God would touch them and open their eyes to God's rest in Christ

· For the offerings to the church (the congregation, LCA, mission, etc)

· For those in government who seek office for popularity instead of service to the people

· For the government Social Security system and those it serves

· For the starving of the world and the efforts to feed them by international organisations

· For those on low incomes (pensioners, unemployed, single mothers, students, receivers of sickness benefits)

Church Rosters:

Church rosters are available on the website.

Check out if you are on the roster here>>

Weekly Roster for 14 November:

Morning Tea: Trevor & Bev M; Joel/Anne P;

Bible reader: James family;

Prayer of Church: James family;

Creative Cards: Johnson;

Kids Zone: ? ? ? {Charlie B; Rachel HT}

Monthly Roster for November:

Church Cleaning: Johnson;

Church Grounds: Peltz; Reichelt E;

Stewards: Mirtschin; Spies;

Welcoming: Strand;

PA: Johnson;

Power-point: Kruger;

Elder: Wayne H; Chris R;

HC Servers: Janis R (7 & 14); Josh N (21 & 28)

Macalister Roster for 14 November:

Church Cleaning: Colin & Trish Muller;

Bible reader: Colin Muller;

Cup of Tea (Dec): Ray & Gail Weier;

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