Together Sharing Christ’s Love
Welcome to:
Redeemer, Macalister
St Mark’s, Dalby
Liturgical Colour: Violet
First Sunday in Lent: What is Lent?
Many Christians have heard of Lent, but do all know what it means? According to Merriam-Webster, Lent means "the 40 weekdays from Ash Wednesday to Easter as a period of penitence and fasting."
Lent begins each year on Ash Wednesday, 46 days before Easter Sunday.
Lent is meant to be a time of repentance. That’s not a feeling of shame but an awareness that sin separates us from God and of what it cost Him to be reunited with us.
Christ Centred
Spirit Guided
Encouraging Discipleship
Witnessing to the Gospel
This week at Redeemer, Macalister (Yr A):
Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship service @ 7.30am;
Bible Reader – Colin Muller;
Hymns (Mac) – 128; 327; 264 AT; 218 AT:
This week at St Mark’s, Dalby (Yr A):
Readings – Ezekiel 37:1-14; Romans 8:6-11; John 11:1-45;
Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby – Worship service @ 9.30am;
Bible Reader – Hensel family;
Prayer of Church – Hensel family;
Hymns (Dalby) – Dream small; Rescuer; 52; Cornerstone; Man of sorrows; Bless the Lord;
Mon 27 Mar – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm
Tues 28 Mar – Mens' Talk on the hall deck @ 10.00am
Tues 28 Mar – St Mark’s Pastoral Assistants meet @ 7.30pm
Wed 29 Mar – Lenten service @ 7.00pm
Fri 31 Mar – C.H.A.O.S – Big games night @ Dalby Pool
Every Saturday - Prayer group @ 7.00am
Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office
On The Noticeboard:
Ø 2023 Committee Members
Ø 2023 Church Rosters
Ø Girls Brigade
Ø Stamps for Mission
Ø Finke River Mission Newsletter
Ø TEAM & Admin minutes
Ø ‘The Angelique Duo’ @ Jimbour House – 26 March @ 2pm
LCAQD Lutheran Services Lenten appeal 2022:
Lenten Services leaflets available from the narthex.
Our focus text for the 2023 appeal is: ‘Even to your old age I am he, even when you turn grey I will carry you.' (Isaiah 46:4a)
This text reminds us of God's loving care throughout life's ups and downs. Lutheran Services is one way that we as LCAQD put our faith in God's loving care into action. Our appeal this year will support the ongoing work of Hospital Chaplaincy and Mary and Martha’s domestic violence refuge.
Notification of meeting:
James Kessler (Chair) as announced on Sunday 12 March 2023 is calling a meeting prior to commencement of service on Sunday 26 Mar 23 to ratify the motion from 12 December 2022 being:
Moved Keith Peltz, ‘ on behalf of the Nominations Committee presented Aimee Johnson for the position of Pastoral Assistant as per the written nomination submitted by Pastor Joel Pukallus and Gayle Taylor”
Seconded Cameron Brauer. Carried (On the day)
HFT 2023:
Holiday Fun Time (HFT) is on for 2023 “Diving Deep” – Mon 3rd, Tues 4th & Wed 5th April from 8.30am – 12.30pm. You can now register your child/ren (Prep- yr 6) using the following link:
HFT Training:
HFT Training will be conducted after service for all those involved with HFT.
Prayer Points for the Week:
· For those in authority, such as King Charles and his representatives; Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors;
· For the Church, LCAQD; that we may obey your laws from the heart
· For the pastors Bishop Paul Smith, District Bishop Mark Vainikka; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors;
· For all the baptised, that they may daily die to sin and rise to new life with Christ in the power of the Spirit
· For those who mourn the death of a loved one
· For hospices and those who work with the dying
· For those who work with alcoholics and drug addicts, that they may bring them new life
· That we may face death in the certain hope of resurrection, and that we may be raised up together with all who have died in the faith of Christ
· For those preparing for baptism or confirmation at Easter
Happy Birthday this week to:
Dylan Peach (Sun); William Conway (Mon); Colin Muller (Mon); Rachel Hensel (Tues); Glenice Kruger (Tues); Murray Boshammer (Wed); Aidan Schelberg (Thurs); Will Toomey (Sat);
Baptism Anniversaries:
Sarah Conway; Emma Kucks; Harrison Peach;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's church office
Church Rosters:
Church rosters are available on the website.
Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 2 April 2023:
Morning Tea: Paschke;
Bible reader: Toomey;
Prayer of Church: Toomey;
Media TEAM: Taylor;
Power-point: Brauer C;
Kids Zone: School Holidays;
Church Cleaning: Taylor; Funke;
Church Grounds: Strand;
Stewards: Brauer;
Welcoming: Kowald;
PA: Ruhle;
Pastoral Assistants: Kowald K; Steinhardt V;
HC Servers: Cam B (2, 9 & 16); Josh N (23 & 30);
Macalister Roster for 2 April 2023:
Church Cleaning: Colin & Trish M;
Bible reader: Brian W;
Cup of Tea (Apr): Brian & Lynelle W;
Safe Place for All
In observing Christ’s command to love one another, we’re to treat each other with respect and dignity. In honouring people, we’re also fulfilling our responsibility under the law of the land. The LCA is committed to implementing processes to ensure that the church is a safe place. If anyone feels they’ve been subjected to sexual abuse and sexual harassment in any form by anyone who holds a position of trust in the church, please contact:
Ph: 1800 644 628 (free call) Email:
Mail: PO Box 519, Marden SA 5070