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Second Sunday after Pentecost - 6th June 2021

St Mark's Dalby

Greetings from St Mark's - Notices for this week


Christ Centred Spirit Guided Encouraging Discipleship

Inclusive Witnessing to the Gospel

Service for Second Sunday after Pentecost:

  • Readings – Genesis 3:8-15; 2 Corinthians 4:13 – 5:1; Mark 3:20-35;

  • Worship serviceRedeemer, Macalister – Worship service – 7.30am

  • Hymns (Mac) – 179; 364 AT; 31 AT;

  • Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby - Worship service – 9.30am

  • Hymns (Dalby) – 179; 364 AT; 31 AT;

Meetings this week:

Mon 7 June – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm

Tues 8 June – St Mark’s Admin meeting @ 7.30pm

Wed 9 June – St Mark’s TEAM meeting @ 7.30pm

Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office

Jazz in the Gardens:

Sunday 6th June @ 12pm - 3pm – Jazz in the Gardens @ Jimbour House. BYO chair, rug, picnic. Adults $25, Under 18 $10. Tickets available FSD Pharmacy or at the gate.

Australian Lutheran College annual appeal:

'Connecting through faith' - Your response to ALC's appeal will help support ALC's many ways of connecting more broadly with the Lutheran community, provide fresh opportunities to participate in ALC's education programs, and fund our existing offerings and new training initiatives. If you don't have our appeal pack, ask your pastor or church office, or hear from Pastor James Winderlich at and consider donating online at All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible; those received by 30 June may be claimed in this financial year. Thank you for your ongoing support.


St Mark’s AGM is set for Sunday 25 July. Reports from Committees are due by Friday 2 July.

Seeking volunteers to help with God Space!

Do you have a heart for sharing the message of God's love with young people? We are desperately seeking volunteers to assist in the delivery of the "God Space" (Religious Instruction) program in our local state schools. The weekly lessons come fully-prepared with age appropriate stories, craft/workbook, songs and game suggestions to pick and choose from - it's incredibly well planned out and doesn’t require very much preparation. The program is a multi-denominational delivered by the Minister’s Fraternal under the coordination of Colin Watters. A couple of the regular volunteers are unwell and/or not able to commit at the moment so we have classes every week who are missing out on hearing God’s word. If we can’t fill the spots, we may find the schools will lose interest in participating in the future. If you have ever thought about being part of this service now is the time to think and pray on it!! It is such an incredibly rewarding opportunity to share your faith with younger generations. If you have an hour or two available on a Thursday and are interested in serving your Lord in this way either as a leader or a helper, please talk to Megan James (0419 946 575) to find out more.

CLW Camps - (grades 7-12)

Week 1 – Coolum A (Luther Heights) - 28 June-2 July

Darling Downs A (Koojarewon) - 28 June-2 July

Winters Kids Camp (grades 3-6) – Coolum - 28 June-2 July

Week 2 – Coolum B @ Darling Downs B - 5 – 9 July

Darling Downs B (Koojarewon) - 5 – 9 July

Online registration @:

LCA Story of the Week:

Australia’s Lutheran schools have backed ALWS’s Walk My Way since the concept was born during a teachers’ leadership tour in an African refugee camp in 2016. And 2021 is no different with 19 school communities walking. Lutheran Education Australia Executive Director Lisa Schmidt explains why our schools are so committed to supporting refugee children to go to school.

Read the full story here>>

Invitation to 2021 Fritzsche Oration:

You are invited to attend this year’s oration.

Topic: Centenary of the UELCA

Speaker: ALC emeritus lecturer, Rev Dr Dean Zweck

When: Tuesday 8 June at 3.30 pm CST.

Where: ALC chapel—and run as a webinar (link to be posted on the ALC website:

One hundred years ago in March 1921, the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Australia was formed by the uniting of 5 Australian Lutheran synods. Hear the story and the factors that led to this milestone event, and its significance for the eventual union of almost all Australian Lutherans as one church body in 1966.

Enrol now for study at ALC:

Do you long to share your love of Christ and his life-changing Word to inspire the faith journey in others? ALC is here to support people just like you, whether you feel called as a teacher, church leader, pastor or church lay worker. With our undergraduate and postgraduate courses, vocational education and training, workshops and online learning, ALC has study options to suit everyone. Mid-year enrolments are open until 16 July 2021. Enquire today: or call 1800 625 193.

Happy Birthday this week to:

Mackayla James (Mon); Joy Toomey (Sun);

Baptism Anniversaries

Kirstine Brauer; Jack Conway; William Elder; Sam Noller; Bernice von Pein;

If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's church office.

Prayers for the Week

· For those in authority, such as Queen Elizabeth and her representatives; Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; and Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors; that they may act wisely.

· For the Church, LCAQD; that the church would always remain committed to following Christ and always hear and proclaim God's word and do his will

· For the pastors Bishop John Henderson, District Bishop Paul Smith; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors; that the Spirit may guide us into all truth

· That Christians would not become discouraged, but be filled with hope, knowing that a great glory awaits them

· That governments everywhere would be committed to opposing evil and corruption and upholding justice and goodness

· That all who face discouragement and troubles may be comforted by God's loving care

Church Rosters

Church rosters have now been finalised and are available on the website.

Check out if you are on the roster here>>

Weekly Roster for 13 June

Morning Tea: Matt & Glenice K; Justin T

Bible reader: Brauer

Prayer of Church: Brauer

Creative Cards: Woolley

Kids Zone: Pukallus A

Monthly Roster for June

Church Cleaning: Hensel; Steinhardt;

Church Grounds: Kucks J & family

Stewards: Hensel; Renner;

Welcoming: Kessler; Ruhle;

PA: Strand;

Power-point: Pukallus;

Elder: Bartsch R; Horrigan W;

HC Servers: Johnson J (6 & 13); Renner J (20 & 27)

Macalister Roster for 13 June

Church Cleaning: Graham & Delma W;

Bible reader: Brian W;

Cup of Tea (June):Colin & Trish M;

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