Greetings from St Mark's - Notices for this week
Christ Centred Spirit Guided Encouraging Discipleship
Inclusive Witnessing to the Gospel
Service for 3rd Sunday in Lent
Readings – Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; John 2:13-22;
Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship service – 7.30am
Hymns (Mac) – 823;54; 171; 807;
Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby - Worship service – 9.30am
Hymns (Dalby) – 823; 54; 291; 288 AT; 267 AT; 807;
Mid-week Lenten service (Wed 10 March) - St Mark’s, Dalby - 7.00pm
Meetings this week
Sun 7 Mar – Macalister – Baptism of Koby Edward Eccles
Mon 8 Mar – 500 cards in church hall @ 7.00pm
Tues 9 Mar – Macalister Ladies Guild
Tues 9 Mar - St Mark’s Admin meeting in church hall @ 7.30pm
Wed 10 Mar – Dalby - mid-week Lenten service @ 7.00pm
Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office
2021 LCAQD Convention of Synod:
Venue: Brisbane Technology Park, Eight Mile Plains
Dates: Friday evening 4th June – Sunday 6th June 2021
Emmanuel Lutheran Fellowship extends an invitation to St Mark’s to the installation of Pastor Nathan Glover on Sunday 14 March at 2.00pm. Please RSVP:
Curious what all this “Grow” stuff is about? Every wondered how to share Jesus with others in the community???
Come along to our next Grow workshop on Saturday 17 April.
Dalby Lutheran Church hall
Arrive 8.30 for a 9 am start
Conclude 4pm
Please BYO snacks and lunch.
Tea and coffee will be provided (under our COVID morning tea plan)
Topic: Missional Faith Formation
During this workshop, we will look beyond the walls of our church buildings and seek to understand the people in our local communities. Who are the spiritual but not religious in our area? What about church refugees? And, why is it important to understand those we are trying to reach? We explore models and approaches for missional outreach and pathways for encountering Jesus.
The three parts to our day…
1. Why – Understanding the culture and challenges of our time
2. What does being Missional look like?
3. How do we explore the opportunities in our community to be missional? How do we go about it? What does it look like for us?
LCA Story of the Week
Members of the LCA/NZ are being urged to pray for peace in Myanmar, where the military staged a coup d'etat and took control of the country last month. LCA International Mission works closely with four churches in Myanmar and Pastor Matt Anker says, ‘Please join us as we pray for a peaceful resolution to this latest unrest’.
Arias & Art Songs
Sunday 28 March – Christie Eckersley (Soprano) & Myfanwy Schenk (Pianist) – Jimbour House Drawing Room. More information on noticeboard.
Happy Birthday this week to:
Rose Heintze, Kylie Becker, Mark Glasby, Don Lee, Merv Peltz, Scott Reichelt, Barry Weier;
Baptism Anniversaries
Oscar Brauer, Asher Kavney;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's office.
Prayers for the Week
· For those in authority, such as Queen Elizabeth and her representatives; Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; and Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors; that they may act wisely.
· For the Church, LCAQD; that you keep the whole church in your truth until you come again as our Lord and King
· For the pastors Bishop John Henderson, District Bishop Paul Smith; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors; parents and teachers who handed on to us the tradition of the Christian faith
· For those who teach in our homes, congregations and communities
· For those who sow your word in the minds of strangers to you
· For those who learn, so that they use their knowledge wisely
· For those who work in the media
· For those who can't read or write
· For those who suffer from low self-esteem
· For those who are so proud of their learning that they are of no help to anyone
· For those who are wise enough to trust you more than anyone else
Church Rosters
Church rosters have now been finalised and are available on the website.
Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 14 March
Morning Tea: TBA
Bible reader: Strand
Prayer of Church: Strand
Creative Cards: Johnson
Sunday School: MaryAnn K (Sarah K, Emma T, Rachel H)
Monthly Roster for March
Church Cleaning: Strand; Toomey;
Church Grounds: Mirtschin; Renner; Weier R;
Stewards: Strand; James;
Welcoming: Strand;
PA: Johnson;
Power-point: Kruger;
Elder: Schuurs V; Kowald K;
HC Servers: Hensel N (7 & 14); Renner J (21 & 28)
Macalister Roster for 14 March
Church Cleaning: Graham & Delma W;
Bible reader: Colin M;
Cup of Tea (Mar): Brian & Lynelle W;