Greetings from St Mark's - Notices for this week
Christ Centred Spirit Guided Encouraging Discipleship
Inclusive Witnessing to the Gospel
Service for Fourth Sunday after Pentecost:
Readings – 1 Samuel 17:57 – 18:5,10-16; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41;
Worship service – Redeemer, Macalister – Worship service – 7.30am
Hymns (Mac) – 195; 635 AT; 79 AT; 685 AT;
Worship service - St Mark’s, Dalby - Worship service – 9.30am
Hymns (Dalby) – 391 AT; 877; Grace (video); Amazing grace, my chains are gone; 68 AT;
Mon 21 June – 500 Cards in church hall @ 7.00pm
Mon 21 June – Coffee n Craft on hall deck
Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office
Christian sympathies to the Peltz family on the recent passing of Merv Peltz. His funeral will be held at St Mark’s on Tuesday at 10am.
Australian Lutheran College annual appeal:
'Connecting through faith' - Your response to ALC's appeal will help support ALC's many ways of connecting more broadly with the Lutheran community, provide fresh opportunities to participate in ALC's education programs, and fund our existing offerings and new training initiatives. If you don't have our appeal pack, ask your pastor or church office, or hear from Pastor James Winderlich at and consider donating online at All donations over $2.00 are tax-deductible; those received by 30 June may be claimed in this financial year. Thank you for your ongoing support.
St Mark’s AGM is set for Sunday 25 July. Reports from Committees are due by Friday 2 July.
CLW Camps - (grades 7-12)
Listed below are the campers/leaders that will be attending CLW this year. Monetary donations can be placed in an envelope (marked “CLW”) and placed in the offering box on the table in the narthex.
Camp grandparents for week 1 at Koojarewon are Des & Val Steinhardt.
Campers: Fletcher James, William Cook, Sarah Berlin, Laura Berlin, Jorja Hartwig, Brock Hartwig, Logan Hartwig, Ben Reichelt, Joshua Pukallus, Jacob Pukallus, Emily Brauer, Charlie Brauer, Oscar Brauer, Rachel Hensel
Leaders: Nadine Funke, Andrew Hensel, Jacinta Hensel, Nathan Hensel, Claudia Hensel, Henry Brauer, Sam Noller, Lachlan Noller, Amy Klinge, Aimee Johnson
Week 1 – Coolum A (Luther Heights) - 28 June-2 July
Darling Downs A (Koojarewon) - 28 June-2 July
Winters Kids Camp (grades 3-6) – Coolum - 28 June-2 July
Week 2 – Coolum B @ Darling Downs B - 5 – 9 July
Darling Downs B (Koojarewon) - 5 – 9 July
Online registration @:

LCA Story of the Week:
Life is too interesting to overlook anything. So says Chris Halbert, whose volunteering life involves preserving history in many forms, from football memorabilia to sheet music. For Chris, who manages the South Australian National Football League History Centre and is a choir librarian at Adelaide’s Bethlehem congregation, each piece tells a story that keeps history alive.
Enrol now for study at ALC:
Do you long to share your love of Christ and his life-changing Word to inspire the faith journey in others? ALC is here to support people just like you, whether you feel called as a teacher, church leader, pastor or church lay worker. With our undergraduate and postgraduate courses, vocational education and training, workshops and online learning, ALC has study options to suit everyone. Mid-year enrolments are open until 16 July 2021. Enquire today: or call 1800 625 193.
Happy Birthday this week to:
Jacinta Hensel (Wed); Wayne Horrigan (Fri); Paul Schreiber (Wed); Doug von Pein (Sat);
Baptism Anniversaries
Joshua Kavney; Alex Kruger; Joy Toomey;
If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's church office.
Prayers for the Week
· For those in authority, such as Queen Elizabeth and her representatives; Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; and Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors; that they may act wisely.
· For the Church, LCAQD; that it may grow in faith and know that God has a plan for eternity
· For the pastors Bishop John Henderson, District Bishop Paul Smith; Pastor Joel Pukallus and all pastors; that the church would hear and proclaim Christ's teachings about the kingdom of God
· For the environment and the stewardship of it by those in governments throughout the world
· That abuses of the environment might be exposed and brought to an end
· For peace in confrontations between workers and employers
· For victims of natural disasters, especially the children and the elderly
Church Rosters
Church rosters have now been finalised and are available on the website.
Check out if you are on the roster here>>
Weekly Roster for 27 June
Morning Tea: Joel & Jill J; Annys C;
Bible reader: Kruger
Prayer of Church: Kruger
Creative Cards: Patteson
Kids Zone:
Monthly Roster for June
Church Cleaning: Hensel; Steinhardt;
Church Grounds: Kucks J & family
Stewards: Hensel; Renner;
Welcoming: Kessler; Ruhle;
PA: Strand;
Power-point: Pukallus;
Elder: Bartsch R; Horrigan W;
HC Servers: Johnson J (6 & 13); Renner J (20 & 27)
Macalister Roster for 27 June
Church Cleaning: Ray & Gail W;
Bible reader: Trish M;
Cup of Tea (July):Graham & Delma W;