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Weekly Bulletin for Sunday 4th October, 2020

St Mark's Dalby


Christ Centred Spirit Guided Encouraging Discipleship Inclusive

Witnessing to the Gospel

Greetings from St Mark's - Notices for this week

Service for 18th Sunday after Pentecost

  • Readings - Exodus 20:1-4, 7-9, 12-20 - Philippians 3:4b-14 - Matthew 21:33-46

  • Hymns – How deep the Father’s love – Rock of ages – Your grace and your mercy

  • Worship service – 9.30am YouTube service - Youtube service here:

Operation Christmas Child

Shoe-boxes due back to the church office NEXT WEEK, 11 Oct.

Meetings this week

Add your meeting or event with Gayle at the Church Office

Rite of Communion

The Rite of Communion for St Mark's will be held again on the weekend of

17 - 18 October. As we are following a strict COVID plan, please register with Gayle in the Church Office if you'd like to attend.

LCA Story of the Week

With ALWS Walk My Way community events cancelled due to COVID-19, four Year 11 students from Concordia College in suburban Adelaide thought creatively about raising funds to support the education of children in refugee camps. Motivated by God’s love, they raised enough to help 143 children to go to school.


Every week St Mark's shares a wonderful resource for families to use at home called "Faith at Home" offering devotion and activity ideas in a one-page summary - great for busy families to use. Check out Faith@Home here>>

Budget & Elections meeting has been tentatively set for the weekend of 28th/29th Nov.

Happy Birthday this week to:

Justine Boshammer, Leyton Jacobs, Desley Rose, Peter Schreiber, Curtis Schultz

Baptism Anniversaries

Callan Doecke, Brock Hartwig, Logan Hartwig, Cameron McAuliffe, Carlin Ruhle, Gayle Taylor, Emma Toomey, Ross Weier

If we missed your birthday or baptism anniversary, please contact Gayle at St Mark's office.

Eva's Place - Positions Available:

Prayers for the Week

  • For those in authority, such as Queen Elizabeth and her representatives; Prime Minister Scott Morrison and members of parliament; Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and state parliamentarians; and Mayor Paul McVeigh and local councillors; that God would give his wisdom to those who serve in public office

  • For the Church, Oakey Parish; that it may always remember that it exists for and because of Christ

  • For the pastors Bishop John Henderson, District Bishop Paul Smith; Pastor Joel Pukallus: for all pastors, that they may use God's authority to forgive sins with wisdom and compassion

  • For those who are persecuted for their faith

  • For our law makers and legislators, that they may respect the law of God

  • For athletes, sports men and women, and for all who manage and control sporting events

  • For school students on holiday

Church Rosters

Check out if you are on the roster here>>

Weekly Roster for 11 October

Morning Tea: Croft, Johnson, McEwan, Schuurs

Bible reader: Brauer

Prayer of Church: Brauer

Sunday School:

Monthly Roster for October

Church Cleaning: Hartwig; Reichelt E & L

Church Grounds: Hartwig; Reichelt S; Strand T

Stewards: Strand; James F

Welcoming: Kessler

PA :

Power-point: Hartwig

Elder: R Bartsch

HC Servers: M Kucks (4 & 11); N Hensel (18 & 25)

Macalister Roster for 11 October

Church Cleaning: Jason & Le-Anne S

Bible reader: Brian W

Cup of Tea (Oct): Ray & Gail W

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